Monday, 10 May 2010
Horror Poster Analysis

Organisation of Actors,Locations, Costumes & Props
Actors: After we decided on our story line we needed to consider people that could act in our trailer. Based on the audience research we did, we discovered that our target audience prefer horror trailers/films with only one victim and one villain and therefore we didn't need a great number of actors. Also, we didn't want the villain to be seen as it creates suspense and mystery so we only needed one actor. After watching previous existing horror trailers, it became clear that most victims are young women as they're more vulnerable, therefore we felt that this would be effective in our trailer. In the end one of us decided to be part of the production while the other filmed.
Friday, 7 May 2010
Audience Reasearch-Pearl and Dean
As you can see, more females went to see this film than males, indicating that females would be more interested to see this type of film. This helped us to create our trailer as we used a female character and victim so that the viewer will be more able to put themselves in the position of the person they see on screen. It is also clear from these results that the age group most interested in seeing this film were aged within the 20-30 range. Therefore we had to make our storyline believable and using the idea of a stalker who then murders his victims through obsession was realistic.
The film "Creep" was also relevant to our film as in the trailer you see the victim who is a young female running away from her killer in a train station after it has closed. This is similar to our idea as our victim is also a young woman who is running away from the person who is trying to kill her and she is also isolated in her surroundings by being alone in the woods. It is also similar as you do not actually see the killer in the trailer, you have to go and see the film in order to do that. Below are the statistics we found from the Pearl and Dean website:
Thursday, 6 May 2010
The Working Script
Working script
Shot 1- Girl walks down a corridor with the camera filming her from the front using a long shot. Along the corridor on both walls are pictures of her. She slows down her pace
as she sees the pictures. She pulls one down off of the wall and looks at it.
Shot 2- From use of an over the shoulder shot, the viewer can see the picture of the girl as the young girl holds it in front of her. The camera zooms in on the picture and at this point the music changes and becomes more fast paced.
Shot 3- There is a jump cut showing the girl from the poster running through the woods and looking back over her shoulder as if she is being chased by somebody. use of a handheld camera and a tracking shot shows the point of view of the person who is chasing her.
Shot 4- Subtitles come up with the words “she tried to ignore it” in a flickering font and a black background.
Shot 5- A mid shot of the girl is then shown as she is standing in front of a tree and looking around with a panicked expression as if she is hiding from someone. An effect is used here which causes the shot to be broken up and overlap itself.
Shot 6- Subtitles appear following on the previous one saying “But it won’t go away” the same effect is used as the last one.
Shot 7- A panning shot is used as if the killer is turning around quickly looking for his victim. The surroundings are quite isolated and they create suspense. As this panning shot is used there is also a change of non diegetic sound to make it sound more dramatic and emphasize fear.
Shot 8- The words “It will find you” appear on the screen in the same font and using the same effect as the previous text shots.
Shot 9- There is a quick tracking shot of the victim running away.
Shot 10- “No matter what.” appears on the screen with a black background.
Shot 11- The shot goes back to a point of view shot of the killer using a hand held camera. He walks past the tree that the girl is hiding behind and then quickly turns around and we can see the girl on screen the camera moves in towards her as she screams showing that the killer has found her.
Shot 12- “ A live Works Film” appears on the screen using the same font and background as the previous text shown throughout the trailer. This shows the name of the production company.
Shot 13- The name of the film “Taken” is shown on the screen and the release date with a background of a camera shot showing the sky which is used to symbolise that the murder is over.
Shot 14- A jump cut is used to then end the trailer and it takes it back to the start of the trailer where an over the shoulder shot was used to show the picture of the victim. The camera zooms in on her face and the fades along with the music.
We decided to create our teaser trailer based on forms and conventions of real media texts. For example, the story line and setti

Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Audience Research
Very effective
Quite effective
Not important
2. What type of horror film is appealing to you?
3. How would you prefer to hear about a horror film?
Movie posters
4. What would you be interested to see and hear in a horror trailer?
Scary moments from the film itself
Voice over telling you release dates etc.
Information displayed on the screen but not read aloud
5. What do you think would be the perfect location of a horror trailer?
6. Do you think there should be a main character and a killer, or a group of characters?
One main character and a villain
A group of victims and one villain
Various victims and more than one villain
7.Do you think that music is very important within the trailer?
Very important
Not that important
8. What props would you like to see in a horror trailer?
Mobile phones
9. Should you be able to see the deaths in the trailers or should there be more of a mysterious theme?
Death should be seen
Mystery is more effective
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Elements of a horror trailer
The typical elements of a horror trailer determine whether it is successful or not. The certain scenes from the film itself that are displayed in the trailer are the ones which contain the most suspense to scare the viewer.
Elements that make up horror trailers and determine the effect it will have are:
Camera angles: In many trailers, the camera is used as at tool to keep the viewer in suspense. The camera for example will use angles such as over the shoulder shots to give the impression that the character on screen is being watched. Zoom is also used to emphasize facial expressions and the emotion of fear. Tracking shots follow the characters as they run/walk giving the idea that they are being followed. A very popular camera shot used for horror trailers is the handheld camera method. This is a point of view angle from the character themselves which often involves them running and giving the impression of them running away.
Music: The music that features in the trailer is used to set the scene and the mood. Music often changes throughout the trailer for example at the start of the sequence when the story is being set, the music is often slow and eerie so that the viewer does not get distracted by it and focuses on the story itself. As the action begins to take place, the pace of the music often increases and the dynamics get louder to give an emotion of panic. Silence is also often used in trailers to increase suspense and the power that it has on the viewer.
Voiceover: Voiceovers tend to be used in the older trailers. Scream, Halloween and Friday the 13th are all examples of films which used voiceovers. They are effective in capturing the attention of the audiences as they often ask rhetorical questions or use phrases which will scare the audience. In more modern trailers, voiceovers are not very popular and usually the words appear on the screen but there is no sound used except for the diegetic or non diegetic sounds. This is another method used to make the trailer seem more spooky and also so that the viewer is not trying to concentrate if two things at the same time.
Setting: The setting of each trailer and the location will portray the right feeling to the viewer. If the setting is in an American high school it will be obvious that the film is based around young teenagers. Many horror films are based around places which are isolated to everybody else so that the film is focused around these particular characters. The feeling of isolation also increases suspense as more events can happen without anyone else being aware.
Magazine front cover

We decided to make the magazine cover the complete opposite of the movie poster as we wanted to experiment with different styles and not just stick to a horror style only. Also, our target audience and most people in general like to read real life interviews/stories so we decided to use a normal image of the main character of the film for the front page to give a sense of reality, instead of using an image from one of the movie scenes. We used photoshop to cut around the main characters photo so that we could later on add our choice of background around it. We chose to use this effect to make it look like an actual real magazine cover, as on most magazine covers you can tell that the main image has been cut from it’s original background. We chose colours such as red, black and white because the red symbolizes gore and blood and the black also links in with the element of horror and creates a sense of mystery. We used white for certain parts of the magazine to enable some of the text to stand out from the more darker shades such as black and grey. We made the font on the magazine cover very large and bold so that it makes more of an impact and is eye-catching. We used sub headings such as “MASSIVE PREVIEW SPECIAL” and “45 New Movies you Need to See” because its persuasive and will make people want to read the magazine and that’s the whole aim of a magazine cover.