Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Audience Research


The purpose of the audience research was to find out what audience our trailer was going to be targeted towards. In order to find this out, we had to find out from different people what they look for in a horror trailer and what their preferences are. Also, we had already developed a story idea and we needed to find out if it was suitable enough and that the majority of people would be interested in it. To find out this information, we constructed a questionnaire to do with horror trailers and we delivered it to people through social network such as Facebook. Below is our questionnaire:

1. How effective are horror trailers when used to entice you to see the film? (tick preferred answer)

Very effective     

Quite effective

Not important 

2. What type of horror film is appealing to you? 





3. How would you prefer to hear about a horror film? 

Movie posters



4. What would you be interested to see and hear in a horror trailer? 

Scary moments from the film itself

Voice over telling you release dates etc.

Information displayed on the screen but not read aloud

5. What do you think would be the perfect location of a horror trailer?





6. Do you think there should be a main character and a killer, or a group of characters?

One main character and a villain

A group of victims and one villain

Various victims and more than one villain 

7.Do you think that music is very important within the trailer?

Very important          

Not that important

8. What props would you like to see in a horror trailer?




Mobile phones

9. Should you be able to see the deaths in the trailers or should there be more of a mysterious theme?

Death should be seen

Mystery is more effective 

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