We used the website "PearlandDean.com" to compare our trailer and type of film with those similar which have previously been released. We decided that "The Ring" was similar as at the very beginning, the victim is a young girl, similar to what you see in our trailer. The statistics are shown below:

| The ring
| age |
| gender | 4-6 | 0% |
| male | 41% | 7-11 | 0% |
| female | 59% | 12-14 | 0% |
| class | 15-24 | 9% |
| AB | 55% | 25-34 | 41% |
| C1 | 40% | 35-44 | 15% |
| C2 | 2% | 45+ | 35% |
| DE | 3% | | |
As you can see, more females went to see this film than males, indicating that females would be more interested to see this type of film. This helped us to create our trailer as we used a female character and victim so that the viewer will be more able to put themselves in the position of the person they see on screen. It is also clear from these results that the age group most interested in seeing this film were aged within the 20-30 range. Therefore we had to make our storyline believable and using the idea of a stalker who then murders his victims through obsession was realistic.
The film "Creep" was also relevant to our film as in the trailer you see the victim who is a young female running away from her killer in a train station after it has closed. This is similar to our idea as our victim is also a young woman who is running away from the person who is trying to kill her and she is also isolated in her surroundings by being alone in the woods. It is also similar as you do not actually see the killer in the trailer, you have to go and see the film in order to do that. Below are the statistics we found from the Pearl and Dean website:
 | Creep
| age |
| gender | 4-6 | 0% |
| male | 67% | 7-11 | 0% |
| female | 33% | 12-14 | 0% |
| class | 15-24 | 42% |
| AB | 30% | 25-34 | 22% |
| C1 | 29% | 35-44 | 21% |
| C2 | 23% | 45+ | 15% |
| DE | 18% | | |
As you can see from these results more men went to see this film than women unlike the previously compared film. Using ideas from this trailer to put in our own was useful as it meant that we would be able to attract both men and women to see the film. The girl in our trailer is a teenager which was also effective as it can be seen here that this age group was most interested in seeing this film. The older audience however was not that keen as only 15% went to see it and therefore we only show one person in the trailer who is a young female as it is certain that this will be the type of audience we will attract.
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